... this should be in a banner above my drive way like when your driving on a country road and big ranches have their last name and their brand's mark above the gate. I have horses, dogs, cats, chickens, some birds, a guinea hen, and an aquarium. Well I have a new addition to my animal kingdom I am now the proud mommy/owner of two baby red eared slider turtles.
They are adorable, zooming around their tank and bask in the light from their heating lamp. How I got them could be considered a funny story, or so I've been told. I recently visited my aunt Tenny in Los Angeles which is about an eight hour drive for me sense I'm in northern California. Well my dad's girlfriend, my aunt and I went to the shopping district in LA. When you drive to the fashion district you suddenly arrive to blocks and blocks of little shops. There isn't any room for street parking so usually you pay about 8 bucks to park in some indoor parking that are actually plentiful around it's not like one or two crowded parking garages.
Cloths are cheap and so are shoes! There are different areas to the fashion district all the men's clothing in one area and women's in another. You can buy anything clothing wise from tank tops, the most sexual lingerie I've ever seen, to wedding dresses. No joke I saw a gorgeous wedding dress (Beware Troll Man ... I kid) and I was tempted on some lingerie but I was with my aunt (I like to go to Rocky Horror Picture Show). Any way you basically walk the street and look in, if something catches your eye you go in. Most every one is speaking Spanish but everyone knows English so no worries and some are also speaking Chinese.
So I'm shopping when some man sets a little tinny carrier in front of me on top of some clothing. I look inside and there are the most adorable little turtles on the face of the planet, so I bought them! For 7 dollars! Including the carrier! And another dollar for a baggy of food! My dad didn't understand how I came back from the fashion district with turtles. Problem? I don't know anything about turtles I've never had one before so I went to Petco and Petsmart. Petco by the way is having a sale I think till the 19th of this month on tanks a dollar a gallon! So I got my baby turtles an aquarium and they seem like happy little turtles :D
I do how ever need help naming one of them, I have a shy little girl turtle in need of a name so if you think of a good name leaving me a comment. I also have a very friendly little boy turtle who likes to make laps around the tank named Speedy Gonzales.
hope you all enjoy your pets as much as I do mine, Lots of Love your Ginger.
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