Thursday, September 16, 2010

How to really Freak you're dad out

I've never had heat strokes before in my life but I guess today is as good as any you know no epic plans or anything like that. In fact it's been a boring day other than you know horrible pain, my sometimes dark red lips turning white, and almost passing out on my dad. All this on top of fuzzy vision and and shaky legs and arms.

Sadly Frodo may be to blame (the angle in horse form) who was screaming his blood head off the whole time I was trying to ride Destiny (not sure what she is yet in horse form). I'm not sure you (whom ever you are) know this but horses tend to not like water.

Horse (mentally) : "you want me to what?"
Me: "cross the water"
Horse (mentally) : "I thought you liked me but now you want me to get eaten"
Me: "it's maybe 2 inches deep"
Horse (mentally) : "holly crap no way in hell, I didn't know it was THAT DEEP!"

And if it's an arabian (what Destiny is) it will usually go like this after a while they get better but yeah first timers don't take it to well. So pretty much Destiny didn't want to get eaten by a creek cause you water can do that. So I get off and stand in the middle of it (like look at me I'm not getting eaten!).

Destiny (mentally): "oh shoot it's gotten her! And I was starting to really like her!"
*Frodo screams his head off form about a half mile away*

That's when she rips the reins out of my hand and runs up a very long very steep hill, and I run up a very long very steep hill after her. When I saw she was okay at the coral I went to my dad and freaked him out.

Now this isn't the first time or the last time I've freaked my dad out, I seem to have a real talent for such things. Like the time I drove a mini 8th scale train off of a ramp and pined myself in between it and the lift and ended up with massive bruises on my hips when I was about 9. Or on my 3rd horse show ever when I was 11 and I was so excited about getting my horse to run I for got to stop her and she stopped at the fence and I hit the fence so hard my helmet hit the mental and made a loud cracking noise (I may have scared every one at the show on that day). Oh Oh! One last one before we get back to the story. Just this last valentine's day my reins broke at a show and I went over a fence bruised all my ribs stretched the cartilage in my sternum and got carted off in an ambulance (I know I freaked everyone at the show that day, and got a lot of "haha you can fly emmy!" at the next show). Oh and that was the second show in a row I'd been to the hospital.

So back to the story when I got into his shop I got a drink and the next thing I know the worst headache in the world hit me hard. Also I thought I'd gotten something on my glasses but my vision was just messing up and then I turned to my dad and my legs had gone jello. Dad got me to sit down and next thing I know I'm listing to the side and he's keeping me awake. (scary stuff right?) After about 20 minutes I kinda felt better, and realized I hadn't eaten anything that day.

I was sent to the house with instructions to eat ice cream... and I did.

I'm feeling better have still a headache and don't want to leave the couch, but your Ginger will be okay

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