Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Voting, you should do it. You are unamerican if you don't vote. Honestly if I hear you complain about anything political and you didn't vote I might have to rip you're very pretty head off. I just have no time for people like you, I'd love to sit and attack all of the non voters individually. But sadly there are to many of you non voters to verbally attack (possibly physically depending on what strikes my fancy).
Lets take an example, I live in very northern California and it is a very very republican area. I'm not going to disclose my political views.. not sure if I already have in a previous post though. Any way it's very republican up here and I hear a lot of complaining about Obama. Before you start now I'm not going to tell you want I don't like or do like, or if there is anything at all I do like or don't like about him. Cause half of my readers (the few that I have) wouldn't like me just for my political stand and I don't want to loose any of you.
Back to the point in my opinion no one is allowed to complain about our president no matter who he is or what he's doing unless you voted in the presidential election. Now I understand if you weren't 18 when he was voted in like myself and was unable to vote. Although this gives you no excuse not to go register to vote as soon as you can.
I'm just sick of the ignorant people in our country who bitch and complain about our government and new laws, when they didn't even put there two sense in and vote. Yet I still have to hear all their bitching and complaining, what am I supposed to do for you? People died for our country and I think to many for get sometimes like it's not close enough to them any more. I'm not talking about our stints in Iraq (I'm going to rant on that too have no fear). I'm talking about dependence from Britain (I know that was a long time ago) or our civil war. Who cares how long ago that was we learn that in school for a reason. Real people died for us and our country they put us, you and me, before them selves because we are the future. Voting is such a simple way to respect them and honor them, I would be so embarrassed for our society if we had to explain ourselves to past soldiers.
And for a quick rant on Iran and Iraq wars. Sure we want our troops back and most of us aren't for the war at all, like what the hell are we doing there? But still those soldiers deserve respect, protesting at soldier funerals, people who do that should rot. I have a best friend that is on leave at the moment from Iraq, he didn't choose to go there. I may not support the war but I support the brave men and women that fight in it. If I ever had a loved one's funeral protested at I can't grantee wont have to stop blogging. Mostly because I'd be serving a life sentence for murder. If you protest soldier funerals stop following my blog I don't want you.

You're Ginger has had a long day...


  1. hey emily... its hugh... um idk how to tell u this... we have never in american history been to war in Iran

  2. ... and sean is in afganistan

  3. i remembered where he was after i typed it. and pain in the ass little brother, i know we aren't in war but you get the point.
