Thursday, September 30, 2010

Aunty Em That's Me

Everyone should have an anuty Em. I love being an aunt and I'm thinking I don't particularly want any kidlets myself. The way I see it I have 7 nieces and nephews that I can baby sit, spoil, buy loud obnoxious toys for (despite my sister's please not to), and give them back when they are sick or being horrible.

Plus there are giant bonus to being an aunt, the kids love you! Bryan my mini male me (adorable little redheaded nephew) washed the dishes when I made him dinner. When I told him how sweet he was he said, "Shh don't tell mom I washed the dishes, I never do that for her or dad." He's only 8 years old!

Little Robby my 4 year old nephew threw a fit when his brother got to ride with me instead of him one day and told my sis he liked me better. Now I know that's not true that he loves his mommy but the novelty of being aunt Em never wears off. My fravorite quote from him is "Aunty Em your my favorite" "Your favorite what Robby" "My favorite everything I'm pretty sure". You just can't get any cuter than that.

Plus when I baby sit they are angels for me, and we turn music up loud and dance for hours!

I have all the benefits and none of the draw backs...

I got to hang with my Ginger today! (he has really dark freckles over his nose and no where else just like I did when I was his age I heart him)

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