Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Do you brush you're teeth in class?

I'm sitting in my Spanish class listening intently, taking notes, smiling, nodding, and the class room is quite. My Teacher is talking about a famous spanish painter named Frida Kahlo who she really likes, you know how a teacher gets when they talk about something they really like. She was also passing around books of Kahlo's works for all the students to look at.
Well in the middle of this a guy walks into the class room a hour late, this is a two hour class and we've been going for 4 weeks now. Instead of quietly walking to an empty desk he just plops down on the ground next to my desk. Then I realized what I thought was a green pen in his mouth ( I know pen in mouth isn't pleasant either) was a green tooth brush! I mean what! Or rather why?!

So he's sitting on the ground next to me with a green tooth brush and then very loudly unzips and rummage through his back pack. I could never make that much noise just to get... nothing! After all the noise he just sits there with a green tooth brush in his moth shifting it from side to side with is mouth, and a green water bottle.

Oh yes and to top it off he stares at me and my friend from the floor... I just don't get it.

have you ever had someone come into your class with a tooth brush?

... your confused Ginger.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emily,

    I can totally relate to this post. I had a professor my sophomore year of college (I was a bio major too) and he would keep his tooth brush in the breast pocket of his blazer. This probably wouldn't be a problem except that he was about 5'1" tall and the toothbrush was right in everybody's face as he walked around the room. Some days there would still be chunks of food and toothpaste in the bristles. When the class was over I wrote all about it on his evaluation sheet.
