When she was 7 weeks old when I let her out of the house for the very first time and she brought me back a live blue jay (yes the bird). It was flapping like mad, and my mom was even more mad screaming at her and what naught. We saved the bird and let it out side and we decided Chiquita could handle out doors just fine and she became an indoor out door cat. The problem was the safety to the wild life went down consider ably.
One day my mom complained to me that my cat (and she stressed that she was my cat) was staring at the humming birds at the feeder to much. I laughed and said there was no way she would get one. I was very very wrong at that moment one flew by her face and she whipped her paw out and snagged it! Not only were we surprised she was so surprised she fell off the porch rail but didn't drop the humming bird! My mother yelled at her and she ran off with the bird and ate it or something.
My mother didn't like my cat it turned out and threated to kill it and other such things. Me and my dad reasoned that it was her instincts and there was no way in hell I was finding my cat a new home. Who would sleep on my bed with me? (she still does)
Through the years we'd find dead birds, mice, raiser snakes, and moles all over. Mom didn't mind the moles she put my cat in the green house once to scare them off and the next morning there were 2 dead moles and my cat. Recently the dead animals had slowed down a bit and I though hmmm in her old age (going on 10) she's slowed on killing. Again I'm sorely mistaken, she just brought me a token of her love for me in the form of a dead mouse. Isn't she sweet I really love my kitty.
This Ginger is all squishy in side, full of kitty love lol
Awwww... so cute. I miss all the kitties and you.