Sunday, June 13, 2010

What you call THIS orange juice !?

Last night we had a family dinner at my house. This is fine since I tend to love my family but it's quite a big deal if we get the whole Stewart clan together. So we shortened it to my favorite sister and brother, Hugh and Sarah. You might find this horrible that I have favorites but I have 7 siblings and lets face it I don't have to like all of them, love them yes.

So any way I cleaned the whole house in prep for my nagging yet favorite sis, and the cutest darn nephews on the face of the planet. FACT NOT OPEN FOR DEBATE THEY ARE THE CUTEST LOL.

The problem here? She brought Orange Juice which I could live off, in theory. But I bought some the day before. So today a day later I go to the ice box and fine orange juice with out looking! oh no's! I... take a swig... and fine it's no pulp! what is the deal is with that?

It was so deceiving! Same maker and everything! Simply Orange is the best orange juice maker out there.... and if I wasn't lazy I'd use my juicer but I am lazy so I don't.

That's like.... decaf Tea, I don't drink coffee. It's like Sunny Delight! Which my family calls Sunny D, I had to google that cause well let's face it, it's not a delight! It's sugar infused orange water and that my friends is sad.

To top it off we have like 1% milk cause I'm lactose and she brought that vitamin D milk... I was careful and checked before I drank that, thank goodness!

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