Monday, June 7, 2010

Jury Duty

Ugh about four months ago I got a jury summons, I complained that I couldn't miss class so the judge gave me a deferral. I was really hoping they'd just forget about me! but now a few weeks after class got out I go and pick the mail and ew. You can tell what a jury summons looks like before opening. So I have to call in tonight to see if they need me.

Well here comes the RANT.
I'm a 19 year old ginger. The accused is most likely not a prier, are they a 19 year old female with red hair who has never gotten a ticket of any kind, never done any drugs, and only drink occasionally and has never EVER gotten in trouble for it. My record is sparkling clean and I'm sorry I'm mostly likely not going to be able to be unbiased.
If you get into a car drunk or under the influence at all period you should rot. Or get in a car wreck the harms you and you only I really don't care if you live through it or not. (the one I was going to be up on last time had something to do with that)
Maybe that's how I'll get out of it, stand up and yell the fucker should rot in hell!
Sure I may be sent to the loony bin but hey I wont have to do jury duty.

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