I though this was all fare, like what ever I'd look weird if I ever was tan. On father's day I found out this is just a horrible lie I've been telling my self for years. Since about 6th grade when another very pale friend and I decided we were going to tan! This ended in lots of pain and an influx of the economy with the purchase of Aloe Vera, in large quantities.
Got off on a rant there... back to the original rant.
On father's day my daddy and I went to a bbq, and one of my dad's friend is married to a red head and has 4 red head daughters. See how I call them red heads with no mention of ginger? This is because they are tan.
I'm not talking kinda tan, where your freckles have been nice and decided to join hands. I'm talking dark tan like an Italian stallion would be jealous tan! Why is this you ask? They are half or more, not quite sure, native american. I never had a chance, I'm 1/4 German and 3/4 Scottish.
Well I'm here to let all the Gingers out there know that their freckles are adorable/sexy. From one ginger to another. And sorry if I ruined the lie you've been telling yourself as well.
lots of love your ginger..... Oooerrr I may to use that more often... the ginger like.